Come knit and ride with me! (In ICELAND!
If you’ve been following along with me since I started my Lopapeysa obsession, you’ll know that I absolutely fell in love with the horse farm, Hestaland. I went there when Kyle Cassidy and I wrote the Lopapeysa book and it took my breath away.
A year later, I went back with my husband and daughter. We stayed for a week, rode horses, and of course I did a lot of knitting!
einband yarn being knit with a lopapeysa sweater in the background
At Hestaland you’ll be surrounded by horses, with the opportunity to ride daily, as well as take classes with me! I’ll be offering everything from absolute beginner classes, to designing your own lopapeysa!
Me moments before my very first Icelandic horse ride at Hestaland. I was a little excited.
We will also go on some adventures! Meet some sheep and of course, go buy some yarn!
Meals are included, you just need to get yourself there. No need for a car, or transportation, just take the main bus from the airport to the station, and the folks at Hestaland will come and get you.
My daughter and her first horse ride at Hestaland
Then you’ll hang out with me, and the horses, and the yarn. What could be better?